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Livetweet tomorrow, learning about real men.

A real man, apparently.

A real man, apparently.

I’ll be livetweeting MarketingProfs’ “How to Create Advertising Campaigns that Make Men Do What You Want” webinar at 9AM PT/noon ET. You can follow me at @paulardoin on Twitter, or register at http://mprofs.com/sem205 for the real thing. (I think it costs money to register.)

And if you’ve never met me, you might think “Why does Paul need to know this? Isn’t he a man?” And technically, yes. Yes I am. I’m even hetero. But unlike most men, I don’t like to get my hands dirty, I don’t like working outside, I scream like a little girl at horror movies, and I don’t like fishing or camping. Instead, I read The Frisky online and I can name all four Designing Women. (I do like watching sports on TV, and I hate Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, so they let me keep my Man Card. For now.)

So I think I might actually, you know, learn something.

Categories: Livetweeting
  1. May 28, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    So the webinar was actually not gender-specific. It was about creating compelling marketing programs and connecting with the audience emotions, but it was not about marketing to men. Don’t get me wrong — the content was good background for anyone who needs to learn about branding (or just needs a refresher), but there was no content about connecting with men. In fact, most of the examples were targeted more towards women (in my opinion).

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